Check out my blogging, podcasting, Changemaking, coaching, keynoting, consulting, and plant-based living.


Do not follow where the path may lead.

Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


I’ve been actively blogging for a number of years on a very wide range of topics largely focused on improving the human condition through design, research, psychology, and technology as well as more recently addressing global challenges. Check it out.


I founded and have hosted the Life Habits Podcast for more than 16 years, the last 6 months of which with my new co-host Paige Heron. Millions of people have listened to the more than 140 episodes. Check it out for yourself.


Carly Williams and I founded the Habits for a Better World nonprofit to address global challenges like climate change, animal and human suffering, food insecurity, human illness, and biodiversity loss. We’ve combined our skills and expertise along with 300 volunteers to take a research-based approach to meet people where they are and a film-based one to get those ideas out in the world through a documentary and social media outreach.


While my podcast offers guidance from my voice to yours and my co-host and guest voices too, true transformation often occurs in a more interactive setting. Having been a dedicated career and life coach throughout my tenure at IBM, I was asked now that I’m retired to provide online coaching during times I’m not co-leading Habits for a Better World, blogging, podcasting, and teaching. Check it out and sign up if interested.


I’ve being presenting keynotes, running workshops, and hosting panel discussions at industry conferences for decades. Some of the keynotes were recorded and you can watch them right here on my website.

Plant-based living

My family and I live a plant-based lifestyle for our health, the environment, and the animals. Find out why and how.



You can request a booking to have me present at your conference, meeting, or other event.


You can also request for me to consult with your organization.

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