Volunteer to join the UX/R for Good Project

In an era where global challenges like climate change, animal and human suffering, food insecurity, human illness, and biodiversity loss escalate, there is a pressing need for swift and effective action. Despite the availability of solutions to combat these issues, progress remains frustratingly slow. Why is transformative change not occurring at the pace required? What barriers are preventing us from securing a sustainable, ethical, and equitable future?

Carly & Karel

The UX/R for Good Project led by Carly Williams and me aims to take a research-based approach (using UX research methods) to determine the reasons why change isn’t happening rapidly enough at both an individual and systems level, designing (using UX design methods) ways to address the inhibitors we discover, and then a film-based approach to get those ideas out in the world through a documentary and social media outreach (using compelling storytelling and film making).

This is a call to action for all who wish to see a better tomorrow. Your expertise, your insights, and your passion are crucial.

Join Carly and me in this critically important project—complete the form below and be a part of the change you wish to see in the world.

Please complete this form to volunteer (please translate the Canadian address fields into ones appropriate to your country).