This is my 2024 year-end post reflecting on the major events that had significance to me, my perspective on them, and the things for which I am most grateful.
End of an era
I spent the first part of this year traveling to each of our IBM design studios globally, at least most of the big ones that I could fit in, for me to personally say goodbye prior to retiring from the company after 36 years and to share my insights, advice, and recommendations. I’d like to thank Justin Youngblood for allowing me to take the farewell tour, Lauren Swanson and Renee Albert for arranging it and traveling with me on these last trips together, and all of my former staff and colleagues for making it a fitting end to a wonderful IBM career. I thank you, miss you, and appreciate you all!
John Lennon playing Imagine with Yoko Ono who co-wrote the song sitting next to him.
This was also another hard year of dealing with devastating happenings in the world and I frequently had to rely on a coping mechanism I’ve used for decades which involves my singing a very special song.
I remember hearing John Lennon singing “Imagine” in the early 1970s when I was an undergraduate. I was blown away by the song and loved it. It’s the soundtrack of my life in a way. I just recently learned that the lyrics to the song were written collaboratively by John and Yono. And whenever the world gets too crazy, I sing Imagine to myself as my personal anthem.
It’s 2024, soon to be 2025, and it seems to me that we’re going backwards rather than forwards regarding each of the themes mentioned in the song. We have wars inspired by religions and traditions, we have the obscene acquisition of wealth by a few, and we have leaders working to close or extend borders of countries who espouse extreme nationalistic and isolationist beliefs, and who have myopic, short-term, and regressive views regarding women’s rights and so many other critical challenges like climate change, human illness, animal and human suffering, food insecurity, and biodiversity loss.
I ask you to do a thought exercise for a moment—read through the lyrics of Imagine and actually visualize the world moving in this direction rather than the opposite as is happening today. Just imagine the world without wars, the reasons for wars, the negative effects of extreme religious adherence, out of control nationalism, massive income disparity, and the total lack of caring about women’s rights, human rights, animal rights, climate change, and making this world better for everyone. Just imagine.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
I truly believe that if our species is to evolve and our planet is to survive we can’t only be dreamers, we need to make a real difference by working together to counter the current trends and to take positive steps to address the problems of the world.
Making a better World
Some will despair but I’m a firm believer in our individual power to effect change and I subscribe to this re-written version of Reinhold Niebuhr’s words:
I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.
Too many of us “accept the things I cannot change.” I think that is at heart of many of the problems we see in the world, that we just unquestioningly accept things as being out of our control.
I did my small part this past year to make a positive change with my podcast and with the nonprofit that I co-founded.
Life Habits Podcast episodes
I recorded several episodes this year on my Life Habits Podcast that provide practical advice for making change and dealing with a changing world. These include the following:
LH156 — Reconnecting in a Polarized World: Better Questions for Fostering our Shared Humanity.
LH154 — Future Proofing Your Career
LH149 — Feeding Your Soul with Purpose and Meaning
LH143 — Dealing with Divisiveness and Polarization
LH137 — Hungry for Action: Food, Climate, and our Food
LH130 — Harnessing the Power of AI
LH128 — Cracking the Cortisol Code: From Stress Response to Stress Management
LH127 — Disconnect to Reconnect: A Guide to Digital Detox
LH120 — Be Kind, Age Well
LH116 — Resilience with Mandy Kloppers
You can access the podcast on any of the podcast apps but also conveniently on my Linktree.
Habits for a better world
Carly Williams, Filmmaker and Producer
I think the best thing I did this year was to team up with my friend and co-founder, filmmaker Carly Williams. We’re kindred spirits in believing that individuals at scale can make huge improvements in the world by combining research, design, and filmmaking to help mitigate global challenges like climate change, animal and human suffering, food insecurity, human illness, biodiversity loss, and more.
We launched our Habits for a Better World initiative, now nonprofit, with an announcement on LinkedIn that had more than 55K impressions which led to 450 people applying to join us as volunteers on the project. We ended up with 300 researchers, designers, and filmmakers and they’re not only talented but also so committed to our cause that they contribute their craft and time so freely. They too have adopted Carly and my tagline, when people say “someone should do something about that… we say why not us!” I’m so incredibly thankful to each and every one of our incredible volunteers.
We hosted a couple of kickoff calls involving some workshopping to get organized and then the teams got to work to read the existing scientific literature to explore what individual behaviors could mitigate the challenges mentioned above, to introspect in order to determine their personal alignment with those behaviors, which they then did in small groups, and following that they carried out extensive new research to understand where people are at in order to meet them where they are in order to inspire the requisite behavior changes.
That generative research was recently completed and we held an all-day online Habits for a Better World Conference featuring some insightful guest speakers and each of our teams presenting the results of their research.
Carly and I have given our teams the month of December off except for a handful of Enablement Team members who are still working with us to carry out the cross-team synthesis of insights from the research so that we can kick off in January with the exciting workshopping, design, and filmmaking phase.
I’d also like to express my gratitude for several of the other things I continued to do or did for the first time this year. I enjoyed continuing to work with Michael Hartmann in my role of Industry Professor in the EMBA, Directors College, and National Health Fellows programs. It was wonderful to work with Paige Heron this year on my Life Habits Podcast and interview so many interesting and inspiring guests. I’d like to thank the many people who I had the honor of coaching this year and I think it’s pretty cool that our Guys Night Out group of friends will be celebrating 20 years together this coming year. It was also great to reconnect with Don Norman at his Design for a Better World Summit in San Diego.
Last but certainly not least the most important to me are the members of my family — Erin, Elliot, Emma, Rowan, Noah, Val, Xeena, and Ares. In fact, I’ll be with them in Los Angeles over the holidays celebrating our 10-year anniversary of being totally plant-based, and 40+ years of being meat free for Erin and me.
Lastly, I’d like share some of the books that I read this year in case you haven’t read some of them but would like to. Some of them I read the pre-release galley copies of in order to interview the authors, others I thought I should read, a couple I re-read, and yet others, I just read out of sheer interest. I thank the authors and especially those who were kind enough to be on my podcast.
I hope to share at this time next year the second book I’m currently writing, and maybe even a third too in collaboration with some friends.
Here’s to making 2025 the best that it can be through collective passion, innovation, and love.
Thanks so all of you who I had the honor of spending time with this year and have a wonderful holiday.