I've been listening to podcasts for years and currently subscribe to a total of 32 podcast series. As you know, I also create two podcasts myself. I think that I'm hooked on this type of media. As most people do, I prefer my podcasts in audio format because I'm usually doing something else with my eyes while listening to podcasts like driving, running, or doing the dishes. I still subscribe to video podcasts but mostly listen to the audio track only. I occasionally find that I need to turn on my iPhone to view the video when video is critical to the subject matter. This usually happens on TED.com Talks and sometimes on GeekBrief.TV. I listen to practically all of the podcasts on Leo Laporte's This Week in Tech (TWIT) podcast network but rarely even feel the need to watch the video. I occasionally turn on the video to see what a new guest looks like but that's about it. Leo is a real pioneer and tends to push the technology envelop and is usually successful with it. He's one of only a few professional podcasters making good money in the field. His latest push is into streaming video and making video podcasts and YouTube replays available. Others that have done this have adopted the a studio model and while still relatively informal, still making the video content look professional. Leo, on the other hand, makes video available but up until the last week hasn't paid any attention to the professionalism of the video stream content. Shown in the picture here is a regular guest on the flagship TWIT show. Having a massive microphone dangling right in front of the guest's face isn't perhaps the best way to produce web-based video content. Leo and his other guests also usually wear large headphones. So, my vote thus far is that although it is technically possible to create video content on the web, those producing it aren't quite ready for prime time. The last episode of the TWIT show did include a discussion of smaller microphones but there wasn't any mention of not having them cover the guest's face nor any discussion of getting rid of the headphones in favor of the discrete ear buds used on TV which I also use when I use video conferencing at work. I should point out that there are video podcasts that have good production values and, thus, are ready for prime time. However, the most popular tech podcast network doesn't yet appear to be.